Today I tried a DMax kart for the first time at Daytona Milton Keynes, it was a handful on a greasy green track but quite the experience and a whole lot of fun.
These are 2 stroke rental karts, designed to be an affordable way to race with a season of 10 races costing £1500 in entry fees - which compared to owner driver racing works out cheaper until the kart is 3 years old, at which point you've already been running your owner driver kart too long to still be competetive anyway and it's probably not in homologation anymore... Such is the nature of racing.
I decided to take up racing again, but that I didnt want the expense or hastle of owner driving, just getting a new trailer or van would blow my total budget anyway!
For me it was the first time I drove a 2 stroke in over a decade, and if i'm honest I was a bit crap. I did show some promising pace though. There's a full review on my racing journal for those interested.
Do any of you guys remember your first time in a 2 stroke? Or your first wet session?
EBC Car Brakes (Outside of UK Only) Site:
Voucher Code: BECKYSFOREIGNFRIENDS Expires: 19th September 2011
Discount: 5%
Also if anyone needs/wants some EBC motorbike brakes I can get them to set a voucher up there, I said it probably wasnt worth it as you're all car nerds but if there's a biker out there who needs brakes let me know and i'll get them to set that up too .
In regards to the discounts these are discounts off of Internet prices which means you could be saving about 70% what you'd be spending if you bought Veco brakes from a garage, as the net prices are already about 65% cheaper.
Monroe is about 75% off compared to some OE part costs, depending upon the car manufacturer, but then add this discount and it adds up to a huge saving.
For EBC the prices are 10% off retail to begin with and this discount gives an extra 5% off - so the size of the discount is very much dependent upon the brand.
But sure if you have trade accounts you may be able to get some bits cheaper
Brembo, Monroe and Veco shops are UK only - but I am speaking to them this morning about sorting out their delivery systems for overseas.
I've also spoken to the guys at EBC Brakes this morning who are going to set up a voucher for all you guys outside the UK if Brembo & Veco aren't able to supply you.
Rota Wheels & K&N Filters both ship out of the UK already.
I'll post later with either a voucher code or details about overseas ordering
OK bear with me, there's some preamble...
I'm lucky enough to not just love cars but also to work in the automotive industry, and as some of you may recall I like to give the LFS forum an Xmas prezzy every year.
Well my family is odd, my aunt has decided to host a "Summer Christmas Dinner", we're having it outside as a barbeque thing and doing a secret Santa. I'm still struggling to get my head round this myself, but she says its because she couldn't come to our family Xmas last year. ... I don't actually recall her at my family Xmas dinners since I was a toddler, but anyway who am I to argue?
So I figured, well if i'm having two Xmas', then i'm going to damn well do it properly. So I called through a few of my industry friends and have arranged you all some discount voucher codes.
You can get up to 10% off a range of different brands. I got them all to set the expiry dates after payday, and there's a wide selection here from alloy wheels, a couple of brake companies, suspension parts and high performance lifetime engine filters.
I hope you all enjoy the prezzy, if it helps a few of you out then that's just grand.
I think if you want to know why people rioted then a more important question to ask is:
Why did I[or you] not riot?
What stopped us? What is so different between myself [yourself] and those who rioted?
It's very easy to just label them as lowlifes and criminals, but you have to realise that there was a significant number of people rioting and that a lot of them were people who surely would not normally steal? Or are we now saying that all teenagers commit burglary?
So what was different in them that they do not have the safeguards against rioting that I [you] have?
And once we've identified what that is, THEN we can ask why they don't have that safeguard - and that's the reason for the riot.
In other words, WHY do we have so many criminals and lowlifes pre-desposed to burglary?
It's the why of the why in effect... Because far too many people are just taking the easy media labels of "criminal" and "lowlife" and not thinking about the real causes... But what made them into criminals and lowlifes in the first place? - THAT's the question, and it needs answering by somebody of the same generation (not the likes of old bitches like me).
What else do they do with them? Thinking cynically about it, the reason to hold information on your browsing habbits is done to make more money - for Google this money comes from advertising.
Aside from profit, what else is there?
The database is hardly comprehensive anyway, for example:
If you visit a site that I use "remarketing" on then after you have visited you will see my advertisements around the web. I do this because I know you showed interest in the products on that site, you'll see these for a few months unless you purchase (in which case there is no need to advertise at you anymore).
Google gives me the option of only showing the advertisement when you are visiting pages with certain keywords on - but I find that pointless personally.
It's odd to me because I never used to be open about my sexuality, I only came out on these forums accidentally whilst high on morphine. If it wasn't for that half this forum would still be either flirting with me or calling me a man. *shrug* seems there's always a way the masses can disappoint me.
Offense? No. I'm actually a bit baffled by the whole thing.
You have a conversation with someone else, then randomly say the word "Abortion" followed by "Becky Rose dont you dare comment on this because you are gay and not normal".
OF COURSE I'm going to suggest that you should have been aborted. It's my defacto state when somebody gets my attention. Most of the conversations I have with men start from the premise that I wish you where aborted and consist mostly of men trying to justify why they are in any way more valuable than the afterbirth they left behind shortly after first emerging into this world. Then you go and call me out on the topic of abortion and expect me not to comment on why your parents didn't abort you?
What I don't get is how your coment was in any way poking fun at my sexuality. I just don't get the joke? Is it funny to call someone gay, and when that person is gay suddenly it becomes ironic? Perhaps you are ill equipped to answer this because you are straight. *pauses* ... nope, that definitely didn't work as a joke.
Ahem. Whilst I had not joined in your discussion with Shotglass, I feel that sniping on my sexuality is nothing short of a low insult with no humerous or constructive value what-so-ever. And yes, i'm in favour of abortion - to the extent I wonder why your parents never tried it with you...
I keep abresh of LGBT rights issues worldwide and sometimes I accidentaly pick up an unrelated article of interest. I think that particular article is most rellevent to long term capitalist nations like America and Western Europe.
Although I was not speaking to you or any other particular person, from what I recall of the views you have expressed I would estimate you somewhere right of centre - but nowhere near the extreme.
I wasnt particularly referring to the rioters as poor. More a discussion of the argument raging over the previous few pages between the lefties and the righties and each's attitude toward the riots.
As for the kids rioting, well, whenever there are riots it is always the young men of a society that start it. I think these riots are born out of a general unrest. We're in a recession, the wealth gap has increased exponentially over the last few years (it used to be 95% wealth controlled by 5% of the population since time immemorium, now it is 99% wealth controlled by 1% of the populace), the government had so little support that it was formed out of a coalition (very rare in British politics), the previous government was hated (but indestinguishable from the other main party), the bankers are still awarding themselves massive bonus', services are being cut back, utility costs are rising, and generally everyone is having a piss poor time of it.
Basically, the country was primed for riots - it's just that the our current youth (the afforementioned segment of society who is pre-disposed to rioting) are so hell bent on consumerism that they've not idea how to riot "properly".
A "proper" riot per se, would be actively engaging against the visible presence of the authority (aka, the police) and kicking the shit out of them.
But because our kids are hell bent on getting the latest Nike's they're turning tail from engaging with the police and breaking into shops instead.
So the argument being put forward by the right wing here (although the political map is an over simplification blah blah blah): Poor people don't have values like rich people do? Well...
I think a 500 billion (plus undisclosed tertiarry payments) bonus was a pretty big bous. I don't for one moment belief the bailouts where necessary. The first one ocurred after one bad days trading, and who's to say that wasn't as rigged as the whole shambles was. The entire bailout was a huge con. I don't have details and data on the UK bailout, but the US bailout led to half a dozen Goldman and Sachs executives and former executives ordering brand new Learjets within 6 weeks of the bailout.
The banks where not going bankrupt. At the time it received an 800 million bailout the RBS had lost 1.6m in the previous trading quarter. In the same quarter of the previous year it has made profits of 168m. The maths do not add up - are we saying that banks cannot be allowed to make a loss and that they must, at all times, be increasing their capital value?
Of course you are not far right Intrepid, you are a leftie like the rest of us who just happens to hold far right views. Move along, nothing to see here
Anyone else here think the job description Intrepid gave was "professional burglar"?
Any thread covering a political topic will descend into an Intrepid bash on account of him being the most far-right active poster in a community populated predominantly with lefties. This is further compounded by Intrepid insisting he is left wing, and that communism is representative of the far right...
Adults find something to do and then go out, kids go out and then find something to do.
I am not saying that youth clubs are the only solution, but in a few words I was trying to explain the concept of how we have ended up with a "them & us" situation. I was not highlighting the closure of a youth club as the cause of a riot.
Whilst Intrepid does raise a valid point of personal responsibility controlling personal destiny, the problem there is that this is Britain - a country that feels the need to warn you that peanuts may contain nuts.
I feel that engagement and empowerment is a better solution to that problem, if people have control over their own destiny then they take responsibility for it. You cannot achieve this with an authoritarian response.
Also for those asking for more violence to curb the rioting, may I also say that we have dealt with riots in the past and did not feel the need to shoot people then - so why would we now?
The environment in Tottenham is one where all the youth facilities have been closed down in the last few years, then led to kinds walking to the street instead of taking part in community things like youth clubs and the like. The result is that these kids have been continually stopped by the police for years - so when the police shot one of their own, and the circumstances didnt make sense to those who knew the person involved, the result is what you see.
I almost got caught up in the rioting myself, I was on my way back from an Iron Maiden concert and the Picadilly line was closed for the weekend so my friends and I took the bus, we passed just the other side of Ali Palli from the riots before we heard about them. Where we were was trashed on the second night.
My most sincere concern over this incident is that a dangerous precedent is set for the use of force against protestors/rioters. Fear is a weapon that should be used by the people not the state, fear of unrest is the most powerful political weapon the people have. If we loose the ability to protest by facing ever stronger responses then we loose the ability to control our government. Already it is illegal to protest anywhere near the houses of parliament - if the response to protest is accepted as being much stronger, then we could effectively loose the right altogether - and this will actually breed more violence (aka: Egypt and Murrabak etc).
The only sensible response to this state of affairs is to shift more toward the left and grant more civil liberty, not to remove it. The cause must be addressed because treating symptoms does not remove a problem and we must not loose sight of that.
We have to shift the "them & us" to "us & us", because only by inclusion can we remove the problem that we now face. We have to respond with MORE democracy.
Pah, Stadium is totally tame nowadays, I mean - the scaredy cats actually built a run off! It used to be 1 metre of rough ground where a gravel trap used to be and then a tyre wall, you could see what brand of cigarette people in their cars where smoking... But now yould could cross the Bristol Channel faster than that run off area.